Projects Wessex Water
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Water Sewerage plant
Case Studies Water

Wessex Water, United Kingdom

Providing water services to over 2.8 million customers across Southwest England, Wessex Water is keen to maintain a leading position within the UK water sector through compliance with and exceeding regulatory targets, improving sustainability and taking action to provide best value and quality services to customers.

In 2021 Wessex Water appointed Arcadis Gen to provide their Enterprise Decision Analytics software for an Asset Investment Planning solution that allows Wessex Water to make optimal decisions, quicker and with more confidence, to achieve both their five-year and 25-year business targets.

Through creation of adaptive plans to account for the impact of possible shocks and stresses in achieving its long-term outcomes, Wessex Water will be able to ensure improved service performance and reliability, comply with regulations, meet environmental and safety targets, as well as ensuring customer bills are kept as low as possible.

Man drinking water from a glass

Benefits realized:

Single repository for all investment needs

Balance performance, cost and risk

Improved ROI

The Challenge
The UK Water Industry is a highly regulated industry that involves large-scale investment.

Wessex’s vision was to put in place the processes, tools and roles needed to plan and manage its investment needs based on recorded risk-based evidence, in a single repository and with the ability to prioritize and optimize consistently and repeatedly in alignment with their corporate objectives.

Upon review of Ofwat’s draft methodology and associated detailed data tables for PR24 (published July 22), it was evident that Wessex Water required this capability to be implemented to meet their PR24 expectations.

Worker at a water dam

The Solution
Arcadis Gen’s Enterprise Decision Analytics platform (EDA) was selected for Wessex Water’s investment management project.

The EDA implementation started in August 2021 with Arcadis Gen team working along the Wessex team to include and configure their non-infrastructure assets within EDA and ensure successful delivery of the project.

EDA Asset was used for [word] all of Wessex Water’s non-infrastructure (above ground) assets and EDA Portfolio for asset investment planning across all of Wessex Water’s project portfolio, including both IT and environmental projects and above ground asset projects created in EDA Asset.

This implementation was a significant task as it required integration with Wessex Water’s assets, risk, and financial systems and configuration around their business processes.

The solution was built to support both business planning for the next regulatory submission (PR24) as well as Business-as-Usual (BAU) where the software will look to find additional efficiencies during the 5-year AMP period that Wessex can capitalize on.

The Result

DA will underpin Wessex ability to balance performance, cost and risk in the most efficient way to determine the TOTEX with the greatest value taking into account carbon, biodiversity and other wider social and environmental benefits with visualization of their performance commitments (PCs) and outcome delivery incentives (ODIs).

Wessex believed it was evident from reviewing Ofwat’s draft methodology and associated detailed data tables that Wessex would not be able to meet their PR24 expectations without this capability being implemented.

I’m happy to share that all technology aspects are now live, and colleagues are using the new tools and process. This comes as a result of a fantastic collaborative effort from colleagues across WW, Arcadis and Arup. The Build Phase is now complete, and the project has moved into business-as usual operation.

We have a roadmap in place to guide future enhancements, and I look forward to continuing to work with you as we build our capabilities further.”

Director of Risk and Investment at Wessex Water, Neil Wilson 

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